Archibald is a masculine name, composed of the Germanic elements erchan with an original meaning of "genuine" and bald "bold.”
Without intentionally setting out to live up to the derivation of their name, Iain Archibald Band are exactly that - a band of high energy musically gifted guys that are quintessentially genuine, fun, and most of all bold by pushing the boundaries of genre all in the name of great music and a top night out!
Iain Archibald Band are musically heavier than many of their contemporaries, and have created a signature sound blended from Aussie Rock & Modern US styled Country attracting one of the broadest audiences!
Live, they show themselves as the true skilled entertainers that they are, with musicianship, intuition and most of all a solid cohesion and wit that makes them a pleasure to see with every show offering something new!
Given this skill, their live show fits well into just about any festival, BNS, rodeo or event and the band have featured on the bill at many of Australia's great events.
In one of the longest, busiest, most competitive festivals in Australia, Iain Archibald Band are fully booked for the Tamworth Country Music Festival 2018.
With a busy touring schedule, recent album release and a few other surprises in store, Iain Archibald Band is the must have band for your event, festival and venue!
Notable Shows
Gympie Muster
Deni Ute Muster
Tamworth CMF
Whittlesea CMF (2016, Co-Headline Act 2018)
Glenmaggie CMF (Headline act)
Mountain Cattlemen's get together (Friday night headline act 2017/18)
Harvest festival
Holbrook BNS
Koonoomoo BNS
Jerilderie BNS
Ariah Park BNS
Birchip BNS
Cowora BNS
Kingston Rodeo (2017/18)
Alexandra Truck Show
Co-Headline east coast tour w/ Baylou
Music & Video
Social Media
Plus you might find some new tunes to listen to while you’re stuck in your house Please share your favourite music…
So if you could please stream your favourite &/ or independent acts as often as possible, even if you leave your Sp…
Press Kit Downloads
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Any alteration, editing or changing of any images or logos below (including filtering via social media or third party editing software) without the consent of
Iain Archibald Band is strictly prohibited